Sony - PlayStation Vita undumped: Difference between revisions

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F1 2011 PCSG-00021 VLJM-30008
F1 2011 PCSG-00021 VLJM-30008
Farming Simulator 16 PCSH-00217 VLKS-66031
Farming Simulator 16 PCSH-00217 VLKS-66031
FIFA World Class Soccer PCSG-00039 VLJM-35006
FIFA 13: World Class Soccer PCSG-00107 VLJM-35018
FIFA 13: World Class Soccer PCSG-00107 VLJM-35018
FIFA 13: World Class Soccer PCSG-00107 VLJM-35018
FIFA 14 PCSG-00201 VLJM-35050
FIFA 14 PCSG-00201 VLJM-35050
FIFA 14 PCSG-00201 VLJM-35050
FIFA World Class Soccer PCSG-00039
FIFA World Class Soccer PCSG-00039 VLJM-35006
Genji Koi Emaki PCSG-00619 VLJM-35234
Genji Koi Emaki PCSG-00619 VLJM-35234
Haiyore! Nyaruko-San: Meijoushigatai Game no You na Mono PCSG-00162 VLJM-30036
Haiyore! Nyaruko-San: Meijoushigatai Game no You na Mono PCSG-00162 VLJM-30036

Revision as of 03:46, 26 February 2022

Completely undumped

Physical & digital


Dekamori Senran Kagura							PCSH-00128	VCAS-34079
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS-Force					PCSH-00195	VLAS-36089
Sword Art Online: Lost Song						PCSH-00135	VLAS-38089
Sly Cooper Collection							PCSD-00091	VCAS-34060
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma						PCSH-00084	VCAS-34058
Professional Baseball Spirits 2013 (Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2013)		PCSH-00030	VLAS-38029


Borderlands 2 (It,Es,Pt)						PCSF-00576
Code:Realize - Wintertide Miracles					PCSB-01270
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (Danish/Swedish/Norwegian)	PCSF-00310
Disney Infinity 2.0 Edition (Marvel Super Heroes) (Fr,Ge,It)		PCSB-00699
Disney Infinity 2.0 Edition (Marvel Super Heroes) (En, Ge)		PCSB-00737
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes	[France]				PCSB-00134
PlayStation Vita Pets (Es,It,El,Pt)					PCSF-00518
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk 						PCSB-01175
The LEGO Movie Videogame						PCSB-00418
The Longest Five Minutes						PCSB-01045


Asphalt: Injection							PCSG-00012	VLJM-30009
Dekamori Senran Kagura //dumped, waiting for submission by diego-rbb-93 PCSG-00447	VLJM-35143
F1 2011									PCSG-00021	VLJM-30008
Farming Simulator 16							PCSH-00217	VLKS-66031
FIFA World Class Soccer							PCSG-00039	VLJM-35006
FIFA 13: World Class Soccer						PCSG-00107	VLJM-35018
FIFA 14									PCSG-00201	VLJM-35050
Genji Koi Emaki								PCSG-00619	VLJM-35234
Haiyore! Nyaruko-San: Meijoushigatai Game no You na Mono		PCSG-00162	VLJM-30036
Irotoridori no Sekai: World's End Re-Birth				PCSG-00462	VLJM-35153
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2012 Ketteiban				PCSG-00134	VLJM-35024
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2012					PCSG-00064	VLJM-35012
J-Stars Victory Vs (Anison Sound Edition)				PCSG-00301	VLJS-05030
Kaleidoeve								PCSG-00520	VLJM-30112
Kurogane Kaikitan: Senya Ichiya						PCSG-00417	VLJM-35149
LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids							PCSG-00928	VLJM-30198
LEGO Star Wars: Force no Kakusei					PCSG-00875	VLJM-30191
Mato Kurenai Yuugekitai: Tokyo Twilight Ghosthunters			PCSG-00293	VLJS-00070
Meikyuu Cross Blood: Infinity						PCSG-00179	VLJM-30040
Monster Radar								PCSG-00024	VLJS-05001
Naitei! Shuukatsu Kanzen Taisaku - ES - SPI - Mensetsu			PCSG-00155	
NextRev: Care Manager Shiken						PCSG-00192	VLJS-00046
NextRev: Chuushoukigyou Shindanshi Shiken 1				PCSG-00143	VLJS-00033
NextRev: Chuushoukigyou Shindanshi Shiken 2				PCSG-00144	VLJS-00034
NextRev: Eibunpou Tettei Tokkun						PCSG-00052	VLJS-00013
NextRev: Eiken								PCSG-00174	VLJS-05025
NextRev: FP Ginoukentei Shiken 2-Kyuu					PCSG-00085	VLJS-00020
NextRev: FP Ginoukentei Shiken 3-Kyuu					PCSG-00086	VLJS-00021
NextRev: Gyouseishoshi Shiken						PCSG-00056	VLJS-00014
NextRev: Hisho Kentei Shiken						PCSG-00186	VLJS-00044
NextRev: IT Passport Shiken						PCSG-00073	VLJS-00019
NextRev: Jouhou Security Specialist Shiken - Network Specialist Shiken	PCSG-00100	VLJS-00023
NextRev: Kaigo Fukushishi Shiken					PCSG-00121	VLJS-00032
NextRev: Kihonjouhou Gijutsusha Shiken					PCSG-00072	VLJS-00017
NextRev: Ouyou Jouhougijutsusha Shiken					PCSG-00071	VLJS-00018
NextRev: Shakai Fukushishi Shiken					PCSG-00109	VLJS-00028
NextRev: Sharoushi Shiken						PCSG-00158	VLJS-00038
NextRev: Takken Shiken							PCSG-00099	VLJS-00024

Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin:					PCSG-00222	VLJM-30055
Motto 20-Bai! Mahjong ga Tsuyoku Naru Houhou - Shochuukyuusha Hen
Nihon Pro Mahjong Renmei Suisen:					PCSG-00223	VLJM-30056
Tokoton Mahjong! Joryuu Pro ni Chousen! Tetsuman Megami Special
One Piece: Burning Blood (Anison Sound Edition)				PCSG-00744	VLJS-05074
Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2012							PCSG-00031	VLJM-35007
Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2014							PCSG-00288	VLJM-35081
Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2015							PCSG-00541	VLJM-35198
Raishi: Konpeki no Shou							PCSG-00806	VLJM-30171
Saki: Zenkoku-hen							PCSG-00646	VLJM-30134
San Goku Shi 12								PCSG-00154	VLJM-30034
Shinsouhan Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World		PCSG-00614	VLJM-35227
Suugaku Rikiou: Chuukyuu Naka-2-Level					PCSG-00119	VLJS-00030
Suugaku Rikiou: Joukyuu Naka-3-Level					PCSG-00120	VLJS-00031
Suugaku Rikiou: Shokyuu Naka-1-Level					PCSG-00118	VLJS-00029
Tearaway: Hagareta Sekai no Daibouken					PCSC-00048	VCJS-10008
TOEIC Test: Jissen Tokkun 2						PCSG-00175	VLJS-00043
TOEIC Test: Jissen Tokkun						PCSG-00047	VLJS-00010
Tsurugi no Machi no Ihoujin: Kuro no Kyuuden [Stranger of Sword City]	PCSG-00445	VLJM-30076
Winning Post 7 2013							PCSG-00194	VLJM-35046
Winning Post 8 2015							PCSG-00545	VLJM-35196
Winning Post 8 2016							PCSG-00804	VLJM-35322
Winning Post 8 2017							PCSG-00998	VLJM-35424
Winning Post 8								PCSG-00238	VLJM-35067
WRC FIA World Rally Championship 3					PCSG-00149	VLJM-30033
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Jukai no Kioku				PCSG-00502	VLJM-30109
Zettai Zetsubou Shoujo: Dangan-Ronpa - Another Episode			PCSG-00433	VLJS-05046

Mexico/South America

Fifa Soccer 			PCSE-00026
FIFA Soccer 13			PCSE-00096
FIFA 14				PCSE-00265


FIFA Football			PCSB-00057
FIFA 13				PCSB-00175	
FIFA 14				PCSB-00347	
FIFA 15				PCSB-00608	


The Sly Collection					PCSA-00095
The Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series	PCSE-00556
FIFA Soccer						PCSE-00013 
FIFA Soccer 13						PCSE-00093
Fifa 14							PCSE-00263



Penny-Punching Princess									PCSE-01321	NIS America release.
													Dumped, waiting for submission
													by diego-rbb-93
The Lost Child										PCSE-01320	NIS America release
Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition							PCSE-01126	Europe version already dumped
Alone With You										PCSE-01108	Limited Run Games release
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition							PCSE-01227	Limited Run Games release
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX							PCSE-00970	Limited Run Games release
Asdivine Hearts										PCSE-01106	Limited Run Games release
Axiom Verge: Multiverse Edition								PCSE-01170	Limited Run Games release
Bard's Gold										PCSE-01024	Limited Run Games release
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon								PCSE-01315	Limited Run Games release
Breach & Clear										PCSE-00746	Limited Run Games release
													dumped, waiting for submission 
													by diego-rbb-93

Croixleur Sigma										PCSE-00936	Limited Run Games release		
													dumped, waiting for submission 
													by diego-rbb-93

Curses 'N Chaos										PCSE-00888	Limited Run Games release
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka								PCSE-01327	Limited Run Games release
Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo								PCSE-01323	Limited Run Games release
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten						PCSE-01306	Limited Run Games release
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice							PCSE-00952	Limited Run Games release
Exile's End										PCSE-01182	Limited Run Games release
Factotum 90										PCSE-01222	Limited Run Games release
forma.8											PCSE-01160	Limited Run Games release
Futuridium EP Deluxe									PCSE-00878	Limited Run Games release
Guacamelee!										PCSE-01303	Limited Run Games release
Home: A Unique Horror Adventure								PCSE-01107	Limited Run Games release
Hue											PCSE-01117	Limited Run Games release
Iconoclasts										PCSE-01295	Limited Run Games release
La-Mulana EX										PCSE-01070	Limited Run Games release
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut							PCSE-00978	Limited Run Games release
Nova-111										PCSE-01025	Limited Run Games release
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD								PCSE-00986	Limited Run Games release
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD								PCSE-01110	Limited Run Games release
Organ Trail: Complete Edition								PCSE-00994	Limited Run Games release

Papers, Please										PCSE-01297	Limited Run Games release	
													dumped, waiting for submission 
													by diego-rbb-93

Pix the Cat										PCSE-01326	Limited Run Games release
Proteus											PCSE-01121	Limited Run Games release
Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut								PCSE-01156	Limited Run Games release
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution								PCSE-01345	Limited Run Games release
Salt and Sanctuary									PCSE-01270	Limited Run Games release
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore									PCSE-00969	Limited Run Games release
Siralim											PCSE-01133	Limited Run Games release
Siralim 2										PCSE-01134	Limited Run Games release
Sky Force Anniversary									PCSE-01127	Limited Run Games release
Spelunky										PCSE-01300	Limited Run Games release
SteamWorld Dig										PCSE-01075	Limited Run Games release
SteamWorld Heist									PCSE-01076	Limited Run Games release
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark - Ultimate Edition					PCSE-00977	Limited Run Games release
Super Hydorah										PCSE-01233	Limited Run Games release
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack							PCSE-01296	Limited Run Games release
THE BIT.TRIP: Limited Edition								PCSE-00954	Limited Run Games release
The Swindle										PCSE-00975	Limited Run Games release
The Swapper										PCSE-00976	Limited Run Games release
Thomas Was Alone									PCSE-00935	Limited Run Games release
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action						PCSE-01223	Limited Run Games release.
													Dumped, waiting for submission 
													by diego-rbb-93.

Volume											PCSE-00910	Limited Run Games release
99Vidas											PCSB-01220	Strictly Limited Games physical 
Axiom Verge: Multiverse Edition								PCSB-01181	
Bit Dungeon+ (Red Art Games physical release)						PCSB-01292

Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils (Strictly Run Games ​physical release) 		PCSB-01248	dumped, waiting for submission 							
													by diego-rbb-93

Darkest Dungeon: Collector's Edition (Signature Edition Games physical release)		PCSB-01285	
Demetrios: The BIG Cynical Adventure (Red Art Games physical release) 			PCSB-01272	
Ice Cream Surfer (Red Art Games physical release) 					PCSB-01293
Necrosphere Deluxe (Strictly Limited Games physical release) 				PCSB-01273

Riddled Corpses EX (Red Art Games physical release) 					PCSB-01275	dumped, waiting for submission 
													by diego-rbb-93

Sayonara UmiharaKawase ++  (Strictly Limited Games physical release) 			PCSB-01199	
Slain: Back from Hell - Signature Edition (Signature Edition Games physical release) 	PCSB-01126	
The Bard's Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled (Red Art Games physical release) 		PCSB-01284

The Deer God (Red Art Games physical release) 						PCSB-01282	dumped, waiting for submission 	
													by diego-rbb-93



Brotherhood United                                                      PCSG-01336
Back to Bed                                                             PCSG-01022
Boushitsu no Istria (Antiquia Lost)                                     PCSG-01108
Color Guardians                                                         PCSG-00955
Element4l                                                               PCSG-00587
God Wars: Toki o Koete                                                  PCSG-00831
Hako! Open Me - Digest Version                                          PCSC-00036
Lost Dimension                                                          PCSG-00331
Paranautical Activity                                                   PCSG-00890
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken                                         PCSG-00185
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution                                                PCSG-00818
Samurai Spirits Zero Special                                            PCSG-01101
Slain: Back from Hell                                                   PCSG-00887
Tachyon Project	                                                        PCSG-01040
Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops                                                PCSG-00564
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Battle Operation Support Application		PCSG-00191
Echannel: New Paint Park						PCSC-00038
Yuusha no Kiroku							PCSC-00003
Live from PlayStation							PCSC-00086
foursquare								PCSC-80005
Hulu									PCSG-80007
Air Race Speed								PCSB-00996
Battle Rockets								PCSB-01433
Chicken Range								PCSB-01233
Conga Master Go!							PCSB-01368
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka						PCSB-01195
Eufloria HD								PCSB-00467
Emerald Shores								PCSB-01325
Fate/Extella Link							PCSB-01243
Geki Yaba Runner							PCSB-01004
Gundemoniums								PCSB-01278
Illusion of L'Phalcia							PCSB-01387
London Detective Mysteria						PCSB-01200
NightCry								PCSB-00971
Nurse Love Syndrome							PCSB-01283
Penny-Punching Princess							PCSB-01197
Pic-a-Pix Pieces 2							PCSB-01430
Romancing SaGa 3							PCSB-01305
Scintillatron 4096							PCSB-01302
Slayaway Camp: Butcher's Cut						PCSB-01276
Spacejacked								PCSB-01156
Spirit Hunter: NG 							PCSB-01371
Takotan									PCSB-01465
The Legend of Dark Witch						PCSB-01088
Ultracore								PCSB-01442
Ultra Mission								PCSB-01480
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]					PCSB-01159
Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen					PCSB-01377
Yumeutsutsu Re:Master							PCSB-01425
Yumeutsutsu Re:After							PCSB-01427

Picotto Knights	                                     		        PCSG-00078	"Free to play game", not available
											anymore in the Store

ELEDiVE									PCSG-00088	These five Vita games were exclusive Japanese 			
											PlayStation Plus titles from student game 	
											developers and Grasshopper Manufacture at the 
											1st Game Festa Campus edition, for a short 	
											period of time, in May 2013.	

Octalide								PCSG-00089	"
UniUni Union								PCSG-00090 	"
Mou, Sou Suru Shikanai!							PCSG-00091	"
Volt									PCSG-00093	"
Power Pro Stadium							PCSG-00164	"New Edition" versions already dumped
Soul Sacrifice Delta Official Soundtrack				PCSC-80027
Deemo Digital Original Soundtrack Vol.1					PCSG-00816
Maid-san wo Migi ni: Shooting Star Original Sound Track			PCSG-01335
Radio Hammer Station Original Soundtrack				PCSG-01217
Metal Max 25th Anniversary Soundtrack					PCSG-01190
P3D & P5D Full Soundtrack						PCSG-01215
Fate/Extella Link Original Soundtrack					PCSG-01225


PulzAR									PCSD-00044
Table Ice Hockey							PCSD-00047
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs			PCSH-10032
Blast 'Em Bunnies							PCSH-00277
Baboon!									PCSH-00302
Krinkle Krusher								PCSH-00229
Quell Memento								PCSH-00227
Table Mini Golf								PCSD-00062
Table Top Tanks								PCSD-00046
Puzzle by Nikoli V: Nurikabe						PCSH-00010
Puzzle by Nikoli V: Slitherlink						PCSH-00009
Puzzle by Nikoli V: Kakuro						PCSH-00008
Puzzle by Nikoli V: Sudoku						PCSH-00007
Pic-a-Pix Color								PCSH-10170
Brotherhood United							PCSH-10320
Flickr									PCSD-00014
YouTube									PCSD-00031
foursquare								PCSD-00023
HiNet hichannel								PCSD-00078
Deemo: Last Recital - Original Soundtrack Vol.1				PCSH-00215
Fate/Extella Link Original Soundtrack					PCSH-10135
P3D & P5D Full Soundtrack						PCSH-10130
P3D & P5D Full Soundtrack						PCSH-10131
Fate/Extella Link Original Soundtrack					PCSH-10136
Radio Hammer Station Original Soundtrack				PCSH-10050
Dekamori Senran Kagura: Digital Soundtrack				PCSH-00085
Teslagrad Official Soundtrack						PCSH-00226
Malicious Rebirth Saitan-Hen Original Soundtrack			PCSH-00041
Malicious Rebirth Tobatsu-Hen Original Soundtrack			PCSH-00036


Tokyo Xanadu 								PCSH-10010
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds						PCSH-00091
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus 					PCSD-00067
Sly 2: Band of Thieves							PCSD-00068
Open Me!								PCSD-00053


Fate/Extella Link Digital Soundtrack					PCSB-01314
Frozen Synapse Prime Soundtrack						PCSB-00678
Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! Stacked Soundtrack				PCSB-00625
Tearaway Official Soundtrack PS Vita					PCSF-00463


Tearaway Official Soundtrack PS Vita					PCSA-00141
Frozen Synapse Prime Soundtrack						PCSE-00550
Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut Soundtrack				PCSE-00599
MOP: Operation Cleanup							PCSE-00838	Not available anymore in the Store
Best of Arcade Games							PCSE-00377
Best of Board Games							PCSE-00378
Farming Simulator							PCSE-00285
Football Manager Classic 2014						PCSE-00357
Habroxia 2								PCSE-01504
Sense - A Cyberpunk Ghost Story						PCSE-01480
MyNBA2K15								PCSE-00554
Redbox Instant by Verizon						PCSE-00391

Physical - dumped, but not as PSVGameSD

Many more are not listed here.

Confirmed to exist

Serial Region Name Notes Cart Pic(s) Box Pic(s) Cart Owner
PCSB-00713 EUR J-Stars Victory Vs+
PCSB-00717 EUR One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
PCSE-00644 USA Steins;Gate
PCSE-01100 USA Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
PCSE-00630 World? Retro City Rampage DX Print #1 - Said by VBlank to match second print run (Left)

Not confirmed to exist

Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Jigoku-hen (Japan)
Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Tengoku-hen (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen V (Japan)
Super Robot Taisen V - Premium Anime Song and Sound Edition (Japan)
Soul Sacrifice // new serial: VCJS-15004 - may or may not be a new ROM



Region 1:

1001 Spikes [Unreleased]
2064: Read Only Memories
A Rose in the Twilight
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Alone with You
Akiba’s Beat
Angry Birds: Star Wars
Another World
Antiquia Lost
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX
Ar Nosurge Plus: Ode to an Unborn Star
Army Corps of Hell
Asdivine Hearts
Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles
Atari Flashback Classics
Atelier SHallie Plus ~Alchemists of the Dusk~
Axiom Verge
Bad Apple Wars
Bard’s Gold
Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate
Ben 10: Galactic Racing
Bit.Trip Presents… Runner 2: Future Legend
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Breach & Clear
Broken Age
Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified
Child of Light
Chronus Arc
Claire: Extended Cut
Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~
Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~
Corpse Party: Blood Drive
Cosmic Star Heroine
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors
Croixleur Sigma
Curses ‘N Chaos
Damascus Gear Operation Osaka
Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours
Deception IV: Blood Ties
Deemo: The Last Ritual
Defender’s Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax
Disney Infinity 2.0 Edition: Marvel Super Heroes
DJMAX Technika Tune
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria
Dragon Sinker
Drive Girls
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends
Dynasty Warriors: NEXT
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space
Exile’s End
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Factotum 90
Fallen Legion:  Flames of Rebellion
Farming Simulator 14
Farming Simulator 16
FATE/Extella: The Umbral Star
Fernz Gate
FIFA 15: Legacy Edition
FIFA Soccer
FIFA Soccer 13
F1 2011
Futuridium: Extended Play Deluxe: Limited Edition
Gal*Gun: Double Peace
God Wars: Future Past
Grand Kingdom
Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds
Home: A Unique Horror Adventure
Hot Shots Golf: World International
htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition
La-Mulana EX
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
LEGO Jurassic World
LEGO Legends of Chima: Laval’s Journey
LEGO Marvel Avengers
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril
LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
LEGO The Hobbit
LEGO The Lego Movie VideoGame
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
London Detective Mysteria
Lone Survivor: Director’s Cut
Lost Dimension
Mecho Tales
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune vs. Zombies
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death
Metal Slug 3
Michael Jackson: The Experience HD
MLB 12: The Show
MLB 14: The Show
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Muramasa: Rebirth
Mutant Mudds: Deluxe
Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge
Muv-Luv Alternative
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
Natural Doctrine
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Neurovoider: Limited Edition
Night Trap
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Norn9: Var Commons
Nurse Love Addiction
Nurse Love Syndrome
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD
Oddworld: New N’ Tasty
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD
One Piece: Unlimited World Red
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
Organ Trail: Complete Edition
Papers, Please
Penny Punching Princess
Phantom Breaker: BattleGrounds
Pix the Cat
Plague Road
Project Xenon: Valkyrie+
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Punch Line
Race the Sun
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
Rainbow Moon
Ray Gigant
Rayman Legends
Rayman Origins
Reality Fighters
Revenant Dogma
Revenant Sigma
Ridge Racer
Rock Boshers DX
RocketBirds: Hardboiled Chicken
RocketBirds 2: Evolution
Salt & Sanctuary
Saturday Morning RPG
Senran Kagura: Bon Apetit! Full Corse
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Shovel Knight
Siralim 2
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Sky Force: Anniversary
Sly Cooper Collection
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
Smart As…
Soldner X-2: Final Prototype
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Soul Sacrifice
SpongeBob HeroPants
Spy Hunter
Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark: Ultimate Edition
Steamworld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt
Steamworld Heist
Steins;Gate 0
Street Fighter x Tekken
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Super Hydorah
Super Meat Boy [Unreleased]
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!!!
The Bit.Trip: Limited Edition
The House in Fata Morgana
The King of Fighters ‘97: Global Match
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
The Longest 5 Minutes
The Lost Child
The Swapper
The Swindle: A Steampunk Cybercrime Caper
Thomas was Alone
Tokyo Tattoo Girls
Tokyo Xanadu
Unit 13
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Va-11 Hall-A: A Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Valhalla Knights 3
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni
Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition
VVVVVV [Unreleased]
Wipeout 2048
World of Final Fantasy
Ys: Memories of Celceta
Ys Origin
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games

Dumped, not datted

Loads of stuff.

Dumped, maybe not datted


  • Jazz: Trump's Journey

Serial notes

The PCS[x] serials for Asia and Japan are also kinda mix between digital and card.

  • Though, the cards in Japan and Asia have a VLAS, VLJM, VLJS or VLKS serial printed on them, but have an internal PCS serial

The PCS[x] serials for US and EU are a mix between digital and card.

  • The same is true for Sony-published US games, but they don't have a differnt serial type (PCS...), just a different serial number

For EU, and US third party the serial on the cover/card matches the internal serial. For US 1st party, the card serial does not match the internal serial and is in the format PCSA-2xxxx

  • PCSA = US, 1st party
  • PCSB = EU, 3rd party
  • PCSC = Japan, 1st party
  • PCSD = Asia/Korea, 1st party
  • PCSE = US, 3rd party
  • PCSF = EU, 1st party
  • PCSG = Japan, 3rd party
  • PCSH = Asia/Korea, 3rd party

For Japan/Asia/Korea, the cover/card serial does not match the internal serial. They are:

  • VCAS = Asia, 1st
  • VCJS = Japan, 1st
  • VCJX =Japan, 1st, demos
  • VCKS = Korea, 1st
  • VLAS = Asia, 3rd
  • VLJM = Japan, 3rd
  • VLJS = Japan, 3rd
  • VLKS = Korea, 3rd

Internal serials are still the PCS.... serials and usually match the PSN release serials.