Aftermarket Guide

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When adding a game to DAT-o-MATIC, ask yourself the following question: did the console manufacturer (Nintendo/Sega/etc.) approve the game you're adding at some point, even if it never ended up releasing during the original console's lifespan, or even if the game you're adding is a re-release with new content?

If they approved it at some point:

It's licensed, just add the appropriate distinguishing tag instead, like (Limited Run Games) or (SNES Classic) or (Steam)

If they never approved it:

If it has stolen assets and it's old: (Pirate)
If it has stolen assets and it's new: (Aftermarket) (Pirate)
If it has unique assets and it's old: (Unl)
If it has unique assets and it's new: (Aftermarket) (Unl)

For systems with no approval process, just go by the year the platform was discontinued instead.

Public vs. Private Entries

New platform

= Private DAT

Legacy platform

Licensed game
= Public Entry
Unlicensed game
<10 years old
Free build at time of datting
= Public Entry
Paid build at time of datting
= Private Entry
>10 years old
= Public Entry

Licensed vs. (Unl) vs. (Aftermarket) vs. (Pirate)

  • Licensed = The original console manufacturer approved that game for sale at some point. Official re-releases inherit the licensed status of their original release, and have an additional tag to distinguish them.
  • (Unl) = Short for Unlicensed. Any game that wasn't approved for sale by the original console manufacturer at some point. If there was no approval process, then go by the Aftermarket Start Year (see below).
  • (Aftermarket) = Any unlicensed game that was first distributed after the last-known original licensed game released for that platform. All aftermarket games must be unlicensed because they were all originally released after the console's licensing period ended. Aftermarket is intended to be a general barometer of console lifespan to help us distinguish unlicensed indie homebrew games released after the console was discontinued.
  • (Pirate) = Any unlicensed game that contains stolen assets.
  • The (Pirate) and (Aftermarket) tags are both subsets of the (Unl) tag and are applied in tandem.
  • If the (Pirate) tag is present, the (Unl) tag is omitted for brevity because an unlicensed status is implicit.
  • If the (Aftermarket) tag is present without the (Pirate) tag, the (Unl) tag is added to emphasize that the (Aftermarket) tag only applies to unlicensed content.
  • All unlicensed content in DAT-o-MATIC (DOM) span these four tag combinations:

Unlicensed Game

that originally released within the platform's lifespan
with unique assets
= (Unl)
with stolen assets
= (Pirate)
that originally released after the platform's lifespan
with unique assets
= (Aftermarket) (Unl)
with stolen assets
= (Aftermarket) (Pirate)

Aftermarket Start Year

  • For consoles, the Aftermarket Start Year reflects the year that the last-known, original licensed game released for each console. This definition applies to the normal licensed software ecosystem for the console, and is inclusive of licensed regional variants (e.g. Brazilian Tec-Toy games for Genesis).
  • Open computing platforms without a defined lot check system for licensing have an Aftermarket Start Year that matches the year of worldwide hardware ecosystem discontinuation. This is the year that hardware manufacturers for the computer family formally abandoned the platform.
  • Each platform has a unique lifespan, and therefore the Aftermarket Start Years vary per platform and are aggregated in the below list.
  • If a platform doesn't appear in the below list, then the Aftermarket tag is not yet applicable at this time. Entries are only included below for No-Intro sets that currently contain the (Aftermarket) tag. New systems will be added as necessary.

List of Aftermarket Start Years

Platform Year
Atari - 2600 1992
Atari - 5200 1987
Atari - 7800 1991
Atari - 8-bit Family 1992*
Atari - Jaguar 1998
Commodore - Commodore 64 1994*
Microsoft - MSX 1993*
Microsoft - MSX2 1993*
NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16 1994
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System 1992
Nintendo - Game Boy 2001
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance 2008
Nintendo - Game Boy Color 2003
Nintendo - Nintendo 64 2002
Nintendo - Nintendo DS 2016
Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System 1995
Nintendo - Satellaview 2000
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System 2000
Nintendo - Virtual Boy 1996
Sega - Game Gear 1997
Sega - Master System - Mark III 1998
Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis 2002
Sega - SG-1000 1987

*Year Discontinued

Datting Algorithm

A licensed status means the original console manufacturer approved that game for sale at some point. Official re-releases inherit the licensed status of their original release.

Original console manufacturer approved game at some point
Licensed -> yes
Original console manufacturer did not approve game at some point, and the game has unique assets
Licensed -> no
Original console manufacturer did not approve game at some point, and the game has stolen assets
Licensed -> no: pirate

If an unlicensed status is determined, then if the year an unlicensed game originally released was the Aftermarket Start Year or sooner, add the (Aftermarket) tag when datting. Otherwise, omit it.

We intend for the Aftermarket Start Year to be a general barometer of lifespan in order to delineate newer unlicensed games from older ones. Therefore, only the year of original release for the content is relevant to compare with the Aftermarket Start Year.

Licensed -> yes
Aftermarket -> no
Licensed -> no
Licensed -> no: pirate
If year content originally released was before the Aftermarket Start Year:
Aftermarket -> no
If year content originally released was the Aftermarket Start Year or sooner:
Aftermarket -> yes

Unlicensed Examples

For those who are unaware, a matching build goes on a licensed game's original entry as a redump. These datting examples only apply to non-matching builds that require new entries. This is the logic a datter should follow when creating a new entry in DOM:

Old pirate games:

  1. NES game 290-in-1 released in 1993
  2. Nintendo never approved of 290-in-1, so it's unlicensed
  3. The game has stolen assets, so it's a pirate game
  4. 290-in-1 released within the NES's lifespan (before the Aftermarket Start Year of 1995)
  5. Dat as Licensed -> no: pirate and Aftermarket -> no
  6. The (Pirate) tag should be auto-added to the entry

Old unlicensed programs:

  1. DS application Action Replay DS released in 2006
  2. Nintendo never approved of Action Replay DS, so it's unlicensed
  3. The application has unique assets
  4. Action Replay DS released within the DS's lifespan (before the Aftermarket Start Year of 2016)
  5. Dat as Licensed -> no and Aftermarket -> no
  6. The (Unl) tag should be auto-added to the entry

Homebrew released the same year the console was discontinued:

  1. GBA homebrew Anguna: Warriors of Fate released in 2008 via the developer's website
  2. Nintendo never approved of Anguna, so it's unlicensed
  3. The game has unique assets
  4. Anguna released outside of the GBA's lifespan (in the same Aftermarket Start Year of 2008)
  5. Dat as Licensed -> no and Aftermarket -> yes
  6. The (Aftermarket) (Unl) tags should be auto-added to the entry

Unported homebrew:

  1. GBC homebrew Swordbird Song: The Iron Owl Tower released on in 2021
  2. Nintendo never approved of Swordbird Song, so it's unlicensed
  3. The game has unique assets
  4. Swordbird Song released outside of the GBC's lifespan (after the Aftermarket Start Year of 2003)
  5. Dat as Licensed -> no and Aftermarket -> yes
  6. The (Aftermarket) (Unl) tags should be auto-added to the entry

Licensed Examples

Other platform re-release:

  1. SNES game River City Girls Zero re-released on Steam
  2. Nintendo approved the original River City Girls Zero on SNES back in 1994
  3. Dat as Licensed -> yes and Aftermarket -> no
  4. Add the (Steam) tag

Reproduction cartridge re-release with new content:

  1. SNES game Super Turrican re-released as a reproduction cartridge by Strictly Limited Games with new Director's Cut content not present in the original
  2. Nintendo approved the original Super Turrican on SNES back in 1993
  3. Dat as Licensed -> yes and Aftermarket -> no
  4. Add the (Strictly Limited Games) tag

First-party, same ecosystem:

  1. SNES game Star Fox 2 released for SNES Classic
  2. Even though it never released during the SNES's lifespan, Nintendo approved Star Fox 2 back in 1996
  3. Dat as Licensed -> yes and Aftermarket -> no
  4. Add the (SNES Classic) tag

First-party, different ecosystem:

  1. GEN game Shining Force II released for Switch Online
  2. Sega approved the original Shining Force II on Genesis back in 1993
  3. Dat as Licensed -> yes and Aftermarket -> no
  4. Add the (Switch Online) tag

Original manufacturer re-release with new content:

  1. GB game Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great World Adventure re-released for Switch with new GBC-exclusive content not present in the original
  2. Nintendo approved the original Ninja JaJaMaru game on GB back in 1990
  3. Dat as Licensed -> yes and Aftermarket -> no
  4. Add the (Switch) tag

But if Aftermarket is just a measure of lifespan, then why aren't re-releases considered aftermarket?

Here is a thought experiment. Consider Super Mario Bros. for NES, which has seven re-releases all with the same checksums:

  • Super Mario Bros. NES cart -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. Animal Crossing Gamecube Bonus -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. NES Classic -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. Wii Virtual Console -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. FamicomBox -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. FamicomStation -> CRC32 of d445f698
  • Super Mario Bros. Switch Online -> CRC32 of d445f698

If we were to consider re-releases as aftermarket, then despite having the same checksums, we would need to duplicate the files and add the (Aftermarket) tag to them, which is antithetical to No-Intro. Our database is structured around efficiency, which means avoiding unnecessary duplicates and bundling the same ROM with the same content in the same DAT where possible.

Considering re-releases as aftermarket doesn't work with alternate checksums either. Take GoldenEye 007 for N64 for example:

  • GoldenEye 007 (Japan)
  • GoldenEye 007 (Japan) (Switch Online)
  • GoldenEye 007 (Europe)
  • GoldenEye 007 (USA)
  • GoldenEye 007 (USA, Europe) (Switch Online)

GoldenEye 007 was recently re-released for Switch Online. Its ROM is an exact bit-perfect replica of the original cart ROM, just like the rest of the Switch Online Nintendo 64 re-releases. Except this time for whatever reason Nintendo scrubbed out all the old Bond licenses that were left over, which you can't even access normally in-game without an Action Replay.

So the CRC32 hashes will technically differ, but the person playing GoldenEye 007 will have the exact same bit-perfect experience whether on the Nintendo 64 cart or the Switch Online re-release. So why should we assign the (Aftermarket) tag to this one and separate it out but not all the other Switch Online re-releases? Because this time around a tiny, inconsequential part of data was scrubbed that the player can't even access in-game? Just because it's technically a re-release? That makes no sense. It's the exact same ROM, so it should be treated like the original.

Imagine if we had to deliberate about the merits of every single re-release like this. It would be endless, inconsistently applied, and confusing. We want to avoid these types of pointless discussions for re-releases by having them always inherit the licensed status of their original releases, and by considering the Aftermarket tag as as games originally released after the console's lifespan. That gives us a consistent and straightforward application that is useful to end-users of No-Intro DATs.

Additionally, because all aftermarket games are considered as originally released after the lifespan of the console, every aftermarket game must be unlicensed by proxy. There can be no such thing as a "licensed aftermarket game" for DOM's purposes and that combination has been disallowed to ensure consistency.