Nintendo - Nintendo Switch dat notes
- The Game ID field in archives is being filled out with the Title ID informally by some datters. Its not being extracted in any consistent way (even though it can be from the game data) and may be from just looking it up on the internet.
- The extracted files should be datted as follows for data extracted from an NSP made using the NXDumpTool instructions above:
- In the digital serial field, put the titleid at 0x0 in the cnmt (not the NCA it is contained in) and put in the Comment+ on its own line "Title ID in Digital Serial field is from CNMT". [todo: a title id should be put in the "digital serial" field, but we need to determine which to use. the one stored in the cnmt is an option, but if the console stores the one from the CDN endpoint request, it would be better to use that].
- The files should be in the following order in the datfile:
- ncas alphabetically using the "x.cnmt.nca"/"x.nca" naming (add the ".nca"/.cnmt.nca" if it isn't present - i.e. if dumped straight from CDN)
- [lowercase_rights_id].tik (optional)
- [lowercase_rights_id]-enctitlekey.bin (titlekey as binary data) (optional)
- [lowercase_rights_id]-dectitlekey.bin (decrypted titlekey as binary data) (optional)