General dat notes

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  • Serials should be separated with a comma and no space
  • HTTP response headers should be attached to the file as a unique attachment.
  • anonomous dumper names like !anon-YYYY-MM-DD-######## can be used to uniquely identify an anonymous dumper, where YYYY-MM-DD is the GMT date the id was generated and ######## is a randomly generated lowercase alphanumeric 8-character string. The same id should be used across multiple dumps by the same anonymous person.
  • If the ROM was dumped as trimmed (dumping tool guesses or checks when the "real" data ends), but then restored from the header field, you can add: [Dumped as trimmed, restored from header] to the comment1 field
  • If the dump date is from the http response header(s) date field, put [Date from HTTP headers] in the comment2 field.
  • If the file sizes are from the http response header(s) length field, put [Sizes from HTTP headers] in the comment2 field.
  • The "Original Format" field in sources has been batched-modified to set it to the default format (e.g. Decrypted for DS). But for some sources, the default format may be something else - these will need to be corrected.



Field Explaination
Special Comma+space seperated values. Add "Aftermarket" if the game wasn't released within the console's lifespan.
Game ID Generally, this shouldn't be used - use the source or file serial fields instead.


Field Explaination
Session Generally, this shouldn't be used.
Title on media Generally, this shouldn't be used.
Origin This should only be used if the origin is non-standard for that system. E.g. just leave it blank instead of putting "Retail cart".


Field Explaination
Date Generally, this shouldn't be used, as it is put into the datfile, and ROM managers may change the local file date to match this, which may be undesirable.
File version This should only be used if an archive encompases multiple game versions (e.g. Nintendo CDN stuff).
Origin This is a WIP alternative to making "Trusted Modification" sources, and shouldn't be used for now.


Documentation for common "tags" that are used in comment fields.


Sticky Note

Tag Explaination
!pc-platform-[platform] For IBM PC digital. Values: windows, mac, linux. e.g. !pc-platform-windows
[Original title: x] Where x is the original title. To be used if the Media fields aren't enabled for that dat yet.
[On redump] Used for archives in the Non-Redump sections that have been set to "not in dat" "unlisted" due to the ROM being added to redump.

Datter Note

Tag Explaination
!pc-platform-[platform] For IBM PC digital. Values: windows, mac, linux. e.g. !pc-platform-windows
[Original title: x] Where x is the original title. To be used if the Media fields aren't enabled for that dat yet.
[On redump] Used for archives in the Non-Redump dats that have been excluded due to the ROM being added to redump.
[Languages not checked]
[Dumper has been asked for more info]
[Title is not romanised properly]
[Title may not be romanised properly]


Field Explaination
Release date Used for high-profile dump releases of prototypes and similar

Comment 1

Tag Explaination
[Trimmed] Used to mark something as trimmed without using the "Trimmed" ROM status, which sets the source as bad.
[Untrimmed] For Trusted Modification sources.
[Dumped as trimmed, but untrimmed for hashing] For use if you want to mark something as "dumped as trimmed", but want to put the proper non-trimmed hash.
[Overdump removed] For Trusted Modification sources.
[Modification of file: {size}-{sha256}] For Trusted Modification sources. size = Size in bytes, sha256 = sha256 of file, all caps
[Dev cart] Used when dump status is set to "other" to prevent dev cart from counting towards verified status.
[Internal checksum mismatch] Internal checksum doesn't match data.
[Standalone fix] For Satellaview Trusted Modification sources that contain fixed standalone ROMs for games in a Memory Pack.
[Marked as deleted] For satellaview ROMs that were marked as deleted (blanked header)
[Loose files] For sources that just have the filesystem contents instead of a ROM/disc image
[Not redump standard] Used for things in Non-Redump dats that are not redump standard, but only for "[On redump]" archives. Don't put it on everything.
[Redump standard] Used for things in Non-Redump dats that are actually redump standard, just not in redump.
[edcchk v{version} {doesn't} report{s} error(s)] For CD images in non-redump dats. E.g. "[edcchk v1.26 doesn't report error(s)]"
[CD dump in ISO format] For CD dumps that are marked as bad due to just being an ISO dump rather than a full track dump.

Comment 2

Tag Explaination
[Asked dumper for more info] To be used when the dumper hasn't provide pictures, etc, you've asked them for this extra info/data and are waiting.
Demo {part/article} number (from barcode text): {number} The demo "part" (for US)/"article" (for Europe) number thats printed under the barcode on the sticker on some Nintendo DS/3DS demo carts. Keep the spaces.
Demo {part/article} number (from actual barcode): {number} Same as above, but for the number parsed from the actual barcode, e.g. using the "zbarimg" software. Don't add spaces.
[Cart barcode read with barcode reader] Put this if you have scanned the actual barcode bars (using barcode scanner software) for the cart barcode, and they match the numbers written below it. Was formerly "[Cart barcode scanned]". Todo: change instances of this to match the new wording.
[GM9 reports no save] for ds and 3ds - if GM9 txt file reports save type as "NONE"
[Released by: x] For public releases when the dumper isn't the one who released it